Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

Email Website Updates
to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.





Maintenance Note:  Per MH email 10/24/09:  Andy owns this web page for content contributions.  -KPB
(Maintenance Note:  Per Mark Hunter, 10/24/09, this page is out of date and needs redone.  -KPB)


Travel Team Info



      A. Team

            1. Commencing in 1995, the Junior and Senior State Judo Championships will be held as early as possible each year in the month of January (preferably no later than the third weekend).

              a. Juniors will be conducted by age and weight

                  1) Age as of January lst of the current year

                  2) See Attachment 1 for weight divisions

              b. Seniors will be conducted by weight according to current USJI weight divisions to be contested at the current year's Senior National Championships.

            2. Each year qualifying tournaments will be reviewed for quality and participation to see if they will be used the following year as "point tournaments". There will be three events each year for points. Each event must use the same divisions as established for the team as indicated above.

            3. The initial three events will be:


State Senior Champs (Winter) State Junior Championships (Winter)

Kiri Invitational (Spring) Kiri Invitational (Spring)

Dayton Invitational (Fall) Dayton Invitational (Fall)

    1. Points will be awarded to current OSJI members as follows: lst Place (10 points); 2nd Place (5 points); 3rd Place (2 points); TEAM Workouts [max. 12 points/year] (1 point). Points will be retained for approximately 1 year, until the next occurence of the qualifying event. Senior Points will only count in the division in which they are obtained. The Senior with the most points in that division will be the team member. The second highest will be the team alternate. Junior Points will be recorded according to Division with that players total points (the division being considered and all divisions below combined) recorded in parentheses. The players will be listed in order of their points in that one division. A ladder challenge will be allowed by anyone with higher total points than the top player to determine team member and alternate.
    2. The Director of Development shall maintain a current and accurate listing of all points obtained by all OSJI members. A report will be published Quarterly (1 week after each point tournament and Sept. lst) [approximately Jan 20, May 20, Sept 1 and Nov 1]. Records to be kept and reported include: (example)

Division - M172

            Name SR State Kiri Dayton Workouts Total

            (1/10/90) (5/18/90) (10/l/90) 1/31;2/20;3/15

1. J.Smith 10 0 10 1; 0; 1; etc 22

2. T.White 5 10 2 1; 1; 0; etc 19

3. M.O'Neal 0 2 5 1; 1; 1; etc 10

      B. Coaches

          1. There will be a State Coaching Staff, consisting of four regional coaches and a head coach/coordinator as a minimum. The coaching staff evaluates all new potential coaches who meet the coaching criteria. At least 3 members of the coaching staff will watch the candidate conduct a workout in such a way to evaluate the candidate's suitability for the program. Those who pass such an evaluation may be used as assistant coaches in the program until significant activity in this program is accomplished and a reevaluation moves the coach onto the State Coaching Staff.

          2. The initial State Coaching Staff shall be composed of:

                      Frank Herzog - Head Coach/Coordinator

                      Les Fazekas - North/East

                      Gary Monto - North/West

                      Gene Hershey - South/East

          Eric Schwartzhoff - South/West

          3. The State Coaching Staff shall recommend all future Regional Coaches and Head Coaches to the OSJI Board of Directors through the Director of Development, for approval.

          4. The State Coaching Staff shall review the progress of the program and remove a coach for just cause.

      C. Manager

          1. Each trip taken as part of this program shall have a manager assigned by the Director of Development. If a seperate manager is not appointed the chief coach for that trip shall assume the manager's responsibilities.

          2. The Manager's responsibilities include:

              a. Validation and distribution of:

                  1) Schedule of planned activities

                  2) Requirements to be met by all team members

                  3) List of team participants

              b. Coordination of travel, lodging, etc.

              c. Financial accountability for trip

              d. Completing Manager's report

        3. A pool of qualified managers shall be maintained by the

        Director of Development.

        D. Chaperones

            1. Chaperones shall be responsible for the actions of all team members while participating in any program activity, including travel (to and from any activity).

            2. Medical personnel shall be encouraged to be chaperones.

            3. Chaperones shall be selected by the Director of Development using the following priority:

              a. Director of Development

              b. Number of players on the team (Coaches)

      1. Parents of team members
      2. Others


      A. Team

    1. Must be a registered OSJI member in good standing prior to the start of any point tournament or team workout to obtain points in that event. Must be a member of OSJI prior to any trips/special activities of the team.
    2. The Primary and Alternate Team members must attend 2/3 of all scheduled workouts unless special arrangements are made for that individual due to conditions beyond the participants control. All such special arrangements shall be approved by the State Coaching Staff prior to the trip. Failure of any team member to maintain a 2/3 attendance record shall disqualify him/her as a member until their attendance rises again to 2/3 of the workouts.
      1. Scheduled workouts will be conducted in regions if there are qualified coaches available to conduct the workouts. In the event there are no qualified coaches available to conduct the workouts, Team members must attend the statewide workouts.
      2. Periodic state-wide workouts will be conducted by the State Coaching Staff. Any team member who misses two state workouts in a row (unexcused) will be dropped from the team until the team member has participated in two state workouts in a row and meets all other criteria.

        3. All Team members must sign the Code of Conduct and adhere to the Code of Conduct and other rules established by OSJI or the coaches.

              a. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct or rules established by OSJI or the coaches will result in disciplinary action.

                  1) The chief coach of the activity shall take whatever disciplinary steps are necessary when engaged in the Team function and then follow the procedure in step 2 below for major disciplinary action.

                  2) The chain of command for determining disciplinary action shall be:

              a) The Coach will evaluate the situation and shall recommend disciplinary action to the Director of Development

              b) The Director of Development will evaluate

                  the situation and give his/her recommendation, along with the coach's recommendation to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee for


                    c) Stated procedures of the OSJI Bylaws shall be followed by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee to include a hearing and appeal rights.

          4. Each Team member must be medically qualified to participate in Team events.

          5. Team members must travel and stay with the Team unless other arrangements are made by the team manager for that activity.

      B. Coaches – recommend the following:

1. Must be at least a Nidan in Judo as registered with the OSJI.

          2. Must be at least 25 years of age.

          3. Must be certified as a Coach or Teacher by one of the following:

            a. USJI Program

            b. American Coaching Effectiveness Program

            c. Other certification programs that are reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee after careful study by the Standards & Certification Committee.

          4. Must be an OSJI member in good standing.

          5. Must sign and adhere to the Coach's Code of Conduct and

        any rules established by the OSJI.

    1. Team
    1. Four weeks prior to the event each Team member must commit to participation

      in that event. If committment is not obtained at that time, an alternate may be


    2. Two weeks before each Team competition, each Team member must inform the Coaching Staff, who will assure that the Head Coach or his/her designate is informed, the weight division in which they will be competing.


B. Coaches

          1. Cannot compete nor referee in any tournament or function in which serving as a Coach for the team.

          2. Ensures that Team members do not try to lose too much weight to make weight division.

          3. Sets and enforces rules f)kor all Team functions.

          4. Must know the whereabouts of all members at Team functions through the chaperones.

          5. Must make every reasonable effort to provide equal servicing to all Team members at each team function.

          6. Must attend all required meetings affecting the Team at Team functions including attending weigh-ins and being on time for warm ups and the start of the tournament.

          7. Provide leadership.

          8. The Chief Coach for each event is the Chief of Delegation and administers final authority in all matters during Team functions.

          9. The Chief Coach delegates responsibilities to Assistant Coaches and chaperones and ensures that duties are carried out properly by the Assistant Coaches and chaperones.

          10. The Chief Coach provides an official Technical report of the event (forms to be provided by OSJI) within 2 weeks after the event to the Director of Development.

    1. The Chief Coach will also act as Manager for the activity unless a seperate manager is appointed by the Director of Development.

C. Manager

    1. Arranges all transportation and lodging for the Team and Staff.
    2. Handles all finances for the activity.
    3. Handles all other matters assigned by the Chief Coach.
    4. Provides an official financial report, with supporting documentation (receipts, etc.) to the Director of Development within two weeks following the event. (forms to be provided by OSJI)
    5. Sign and adhere to the Code of Conduct.

D. Chaperones

    1. Provide guidance to Team members
    2. Carry out the directions of the Chief Coach
    3. Know the whereabouts of all Team members in their charge.
    4. Sign and adhere to the Code of Conduct.
    5. Provide written feedback to the Director of Development on their impression of all event activities.


            A. Board of Directors

                1. The Board of Directors will continuously monitor the program and make changes as felt necessary.

                2. The Board of Directors, through the recommendation of the Director of Development, shall select a State Coaching Staff including a Head Coach and four Regional Coaches. The selection will be made at the meeting following the election (or appointment) of each Director of Development and the term shall be two years (or until a new Director of Development takes over).

          B. Coaches

              1. Coaches for each activity will be recommended by the State Coaching Staff to the Director of Development for appointment. The State Coaching Staff will make its recommendations from a pool of eligible coaches who have previously been evaluated by the Coaching Staff and found to have met the criteria set forth in this program.

              2. There are no term limitations placed on coaches in the pool.



Current OSJI Development Team Point Roster


Division        #        Name                        Club                2003 OSJI Srs                                         TOTAL  

M-56kg         1 -

M--60kg        1 -
                      2 -

M-66kg         1 -

M-73kg         1 -
                      2 -
                      3 -

M-81kg         1 -
                      2 -
                      3 -

M-90kg          1 -
                       2 -
                       3 -

M-100kg         1 -
                        2 -

M+100kg        1 -
                        2 -
                       3 -



F-48kg            1 -

F-63kg            1 -
                       2 -

F+78kg           1 -
                        2 -                    


Division        #        Name                           Club                    2003 OSJI Jrs                                          TOTAL  


B-6L                 1 -

B-6H                1 -        

B-7L                 1 -

B-7H                 1 -

B-8L                 1 -

B-8H                1 -
                         2 -

B-9L                 1 - 
                         2 -
                         3 -

B-9H                1 -
                         2 -

B-10L               1 -
                         2 -
                         3 -

B-10H              1 -
                         2 -

B-11L               1 -

B-11H               1 - 
                          2 -
                          2 -
                          4 -

B-12L                1 -

B-12H               1 -  
                          1 -
                          3 -

B-13L                1 -

B-13H               1 -
                          1 -

B-14L                1 -
                          2 -

B-14H                1 -
                           2 -

B-15L                1 -

B-15H               1 - 
                          2 -

B-16L                1 -     

B-16H               1 -  
                          1 -

B-16 Open        1 -                


G-8L                 1 - 
                         1 -

G-8M                 1 -

G-8H                 1 -
                          2 -
                          3 -

G-9/10L          1 - 

G-9/10M         1 -                       

G-9/10H          1 -                         

G-11/12L         1 -     

G-11/12M        1 -         

G-11/12MH       1 -

G-11/12H         1 -
                            1 -

G-13/14L         1 -  

G-13/14M        1 -
                          2 -

G-13/14MH      1 -

G-13/14H          1 -

G-13/14OPEN   1 -

G-15/16L           1 -

G-15/16MH        1 -

G-15/16OPEN    1- 



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Last modified: 12/28/13