Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

Email Website Updates
to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.




Maintenance Note:  Work in progress:  1/30/10:  -KPB

The OJI Timers/Scorers Certification Program provides certification opportunity at the following levels: Apprentice Timer, OJI Timer, Specialty Scorer, General Scorer, and Head Timer/Scorer.  The details of the program are outlined below:

Page Bookmarks:
Timer/Scorer Downloads
OJI Timer/Scorer Certification Subcommittee
OJI Timers/Scorers
Forms Required for OJI Timer/Scorer Testing


Timer/Scorer Downloads
# Description Download
2 Forms required and blank application form OJI Officials Certification Application Form
3 Scorers, Timers, Recorders Handbook includes responsibilities of these positions plus details of Elimination Systems and the Texas Match System
Tournament Officials Responsibilities



OJI Timers/Scorers Certification Subcommittee

The OJI Timers/Scorers is composed of all certified Head Timers/Scorers who are current registered members of OJI.  The subcommittee is under the direction of the OJI RCS and trains and certifies qualified individuals as tournament officials (such as timers, scorers, recorders, etc.)
Name Address Contact Info
Russ Scherer (RCS Chair) 510 Silvercrest Terrace
Dayton, OH  45440-3300
(H) (937) 427-5836
no other members at this time











OJI Certified Timers/Scorers

The following Timers/Scorers have current certification and membership in OJI:
Name     Level   
Date Certified  Expires
At this time no-one is current in their certification   





























Forms Required for OJI Timer/Scorer Testing

þ # The following is required to test:
  1) OJI Officials Certification Application - click here
  2) A copy of your last OJI timer/scorer certificate
  3) A copy of your current OJI/USJI registration card
  4) A list of events worked since your last timer/scorer certification  (include date, event name, city and state where event was held)


** Beneath this marker is the old page (as of 1/30/10) for reference only, until the page above is completely tested and verified as complete. -KPB

Timer/Scorer program info is provided by Russ Scherer, Program Director for Standards & Certification

The OJI has an established certification program for tournament officials, including timers, scorers and recorders in addition to the referee certification program. 

The "Requirements" are listed below and include prerequisites, expectations and fees.

The required forms may be downloaded by clicking HERE.

OJI Certified Timers, Scorers, etc. are listed below.        NOTE: your certification expires after 2 years and requires recertification.

"An electronic version of OJI's Scorers, Timer's, Recorders Handbook can be downloaded by clicking HERE.  This handbook provides information on the responsibilities of these positions as well as giving detailed descriptions of many elimination systems and the Texas Match System (for notifying competitors when it is their turn to compete on a match by match basis).




             At this time, no-one is current in their certification.





PURPOSE: The intent of the OJI Officials Certification Program is to provide a pool of qualified mat officials, including timers and scorers. The program will include various qualification levels to encourage continual study and growth while rewarding multiple levels of achievement. All participants in the OJI Mat Officials Certification Program must be members of the OJI.


TIMERS - There will be two levels of certification for timers in the OJI:

a. Apprentice Timers will be required to pass a written test (70% correct) and an evaluation of performance at any shiai. They must be observed during a minimum of 15 matches by any OJI certified Head Timer/Scorer.

b. OJI Timers must pass a written test (80% correct) and a practical evaluation every two years. They must time or score at any two state championships, or five invitational shiais, during the two year period. Testing/evaluation is to be done by any OJI certified Head Timer/Scorer.

SCORERS - There will also be two levels of certification for scorers in the OJI:

a. Specialty Scorers will be qualified in a specific scoring system (any scoring system used at OJI sanctioned events) - (i.e. Scorer-Double Elimination, Scorer-Repechage, etc.). Each Specialty Scorer must pass a written exam (80% correct) and be evaluated at a competition using the scoring system he/she is specializing in.

b. General Scorers will be required to pass a written test (80% correct) covering all commonly used scoring systems and be evaluated at any tournament where he/she can be observed during a minimum of 20 matches. Any OJI certified Head Timer/Scorer may certify scorers. General Scorers must score at a minimum of five shiais during each two year certification period.

HEAD TIMER/SCORER - All OJI Head Timers/Scorers will pass a written exam (80% correct) and be evaluated by at least 2 other OJI certified Head Timers/Scorers at any State Championships while serving as Head Timer/Scorer. The certification period shall be two (2) years. Head Timer/Scorer qualifications shall include capability of performing as an OJI Timer, OJI General Scorer, conducting draws/pairings and coordinating all timers and scorers at any given shiai. Each Head Timer/Scorer must give at least one timers/scorers clinic (lasting 2 hours or more) each year.



Timer (Apprentice)  1.00    1.00     3.00        $5.00

Timer (OJI)         1.00     1.00    3.00         5.00

Scorer (Specialty)  1.00    1.00     3.00         5.00

Scorer (General)    2.00    2.00     3.00         7.00

Head Timer/Scorer   2.00    3.00     5.00        10.00



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Last modified: 12/28/13