Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

Email Website Updates
to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.




Maintenance Note:  Per MH email 10/24/09:  Andy owns this web page for content contributions.  -KPB
Maintenance Note:
  Per Mark Hunter, 10/24/09, this page is out of date and needs redone.  -KPB)

Super Saturday Info

  "Super Saturday"

For Details on Super Saturday 2000 click here

The Concept:

    Several years ago OJI started a special development program which is simply a set of clinics, etc. all held on the same day at the same site.  We try to provide "something for everyone" so all members of all clubs can participate, including juniors and seniors.

    Three IJF sized mat areas are set up and a classroom is used.   A typical schedule would be:

                        Mat 1             Mat 2              Mat 3          Classroom

9-10:30AM  Jr. Comp       Sr. Promo          Kata        Timer/Scorer
10:30-12:00  Sr. Comp      Jr. Promo           Kata         Referees
12:00-1:30            LUNCH
1:30-2:30      IJF Rules (competitors)          Kata
2:30-4:00      Jr/Sr Comp   Referees            Kata        Scoring Syst./
4:00-5:30      Randori         Randori              Shiai       Tourn.Admin.

Note:  The shiai utilizes 2 players at a time from the randori session, the timers, scorers, etc from the morning clinic and referees from referee clinic

    Participants can mix/match sessions or can follow a main track.

    Our staff (approximately 8-12) are coaches within Ohio and everyone gets plenty of Judo and most really enjoy it.


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Last modified: 12/28/13