Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

Email Website Updates
to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.





Ohio Judo
 Registration/Membership Committee

Committee Chair:  Michael Mooney


The Objectives of the OJI Membership Committee:

1. To ensure that all Members are in good standing
2. Keep Records of all Memberships in the OJI
3. To Ensure that all clubs meets the standards to be a Charter Club
4. Process all memberships through the OJI and USA JUDO

The Registration Committee takes care of all Ohio individual Members' registrations and Ohio Judo Clubs that want an Ohio Judo Charter.   Also, interfaces with the National Office on Memberships.



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Last modified: 12/28/13