Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

Email Website Updates
to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.






http://www.ohiojudo.org/images/OSJILogo002.jpg           OJI Presidential Notes                  

February 2011

In an effort to stay in-touch and provide timely information about OJI activities and regional events, it is planned to distribute these “Notes” directly to all members of OJI plus anyone else wishing to receive these e-mails.  They will also be posted on the OJI web site, but there may be some delay at times with the postings.  If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, please contact me using reply to sender (please DO NOT use “reply all”).  Similarly, if you are not currently on the “direct e-mail” list and wish to be added please contact me stating your request.


New Officers were elected (at the end of last year) for the 2011/2012 term

          President – Russ Scherer
          Vice President – Jim Linnane
          Secretary – Scott Littlefield
          Treasurer – Michael Mooney

Executive Committee Meeting was held on 2/27/2011 and it was decided to continue all current programs and to try to resurrect some previous activities.  Topics discussed included:

1)       Joint workouts/mini-shiais – these will be held throughout the year as part of our development program.  If you are interested in hosting such an event, please contact me.

2)      The 2011 Ohio Open Judo Championships will be held on June 18th in Northwestern Ohio – Julee Cope will be tournament director – more info (tournament flyer) will be sent out shortly.  Also keep an eye on the OJI  web site.

3)      We plan to hold a “Super Saturday” – late summer/early fall – this is an event where there is something for everyone (competitive clinic/workout; promotion requirements; kata; referee training; timers/scorers clinic and practice competition)

4)      Club visitations – if you would like to travel to another club or host another club contact me.

5)      Financial support for top OJI members who place at our State Championships and compete at selected major regional events and/or various national championships.

6)      Reactivation of the state travel team program – points will be awarded at the Ohio Open in June

7)      Scholarship recognition program – High School students – recognizes academic achievement of OJI members at the “Honors” level for 3.0 GPA for the year and “High Honors” level for 3.5 GPA for the year.  Seniors with a GPA of 3.5 or higher are ranked and top 5 GPA’s are awarded a small scholarship to be used at the college of their choice.  Additional info is located on the OJI web site

8)      Certification for Coaches, Referees, Timers/Scorers, etc. will be offered – dates and locations to be announced

9)      Web site updates will be worked on in a couple of weeks resulting in more functionality

10)   The next Board of Directors meeting (includes club representatives) will be held in conjunction with the Ohio Open Judo Championships on June 18th.

Special Notes:

1)       The JA/JF Joint Junior Nationals will be held in Toledo, Ohio this year (July 1-3).  The event this year will be a National Referee Test Site.  Gary Monto is Tournament Director.  Please plan to support this national championship being held in Ohio.  Go to the OJI, Judan Judo, USJA, USJF, or any of several other web sites for additional information.

2)      The Youth and Scholastic Championships are being held in Grand Rapids, Michigan this year (April 2-3).  Another relatively close national event.  Further info is on the OJI and USA Judo web sites.

Upcoming Events (check the OJI web site for additional details):
Ohio Events   -   National Events & Ref Eval Sites   -   Other Events

3/6/11         -  Arnold Classic (Columbus, OH)
3/12/11       – National Collegiate Judo Association Championships (West Point, NY)
3/18-20/11 – Midwest Championships (Rosemont, IL)
3/19/11       -  Bowles Memorial Kata Championships (Marion, IN)
3/19/11       -  Ocean State Championships (West Warwick, RI)
3/20/11       -  Michigan State Open (East Lansing, MI)
3/26/11       -  Glass City Invitational (Toledo, OH)
3/26/11       -  Indiana University Shiai – Masters and Seniors Only (Bloomington, IN)
3/27/11       -  Liberty Bell Championships (Bryn Athyn, PA)
4/2-3/11      -  Youth and Scholastic Championships (Grand Rapids, MI)
4/9/11          -  Akiya Invitational (Cleveland, OH)
4/16/11        – Rebel Invitational (Owenton, KY)
4/16/11        – Northglenn Invitational (Northglenn, CO)
4/29-30        – USA Judo Senior Nationals (Orlando, FL)
4/30/11        -  Midwest Judo Challenge (Lima, OH)
5/14/11        -  Indiana Open State Championships (Portland, IN)
5/14/11        -  Morris Cup (Burnt Hills, NY)
5/27-29        -   AM/CAN International Cup (Buffalo, NY)
6/4-5/11       -  President’s Cup (Vail, CO)
6/18/11        -  Ohio Open Championships (Bowling Green, OH)
6/24-25/11   – Michigan State Games (Grand Rapids, MI)
7/1-3/11        -  JA/JF Joint Junior Nationals (Toledo, OH)
7/1-2/11        -  Miami World Cup (Miami, FL)
7/3/11           -   U.S. Senior Open (Miami, FL)
7/16-17/11    -  Junior U.S. Open (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
7/22-24/11    -  National Junior Olympics (Irving, TX)


If you have information about any other events that would be of interest to OJI members, please reply to this e-mail (do not send info that applies only to your club).   Also – Please verify all info prior to travel – We are not responsible for the accuracy of this information


That’s all for now.  Look for another issue at the end of March.


Russ Scherer
President, Ohio Judo, Inc.



Ohio Judo Inc.

“President's State of the Union”

January 2010

Mark Hunter, President


I hope 2010 will be a great year for Ohio Judo, Inc. We all set New Year Resolutions and we try to keep them. Sometimes we do and sometimes we forget about them and fail.


Hopefully, the Ohio Judo, Inc. will not fail and meet the Resolutions that we have set in place for 2010.


As I enter my last year as President of Ohio Judo, I want to set some goals for 2010. Basically I have 2 goals.


Goal #1 – Better Communications

To achieve this we must::
1) Have more interaction with the Ohio Judo Clubs
2) Have an updated Web Site and
3) Have better relationships with all the National Judo Organizations


Goal # 2 – Better Service to Ohio Judo Charter Clubs

To achieve this we must:
1) Offer Programs to our members and follow through with the programs (Examples:  Timer/Scorer Certifications, Referee Certifications)
2) Show members and non members why it is to their benefit to belong to Ohio Judo (Scholarships, Mat Rentals, Fair Promotion System, and support from the OJI BoDs)


To meet these goals, we must have everyone working together. I know sometimes life get busy and we forget our commitment to OJI.


When I became President of Ohio, I wanted to do 2 things. One was to have OJI in a better position when I left the office than it was when I became President.  The other thing was to grow Judo in Ohio. I hope I have done my job and earned your support.


Mark Hunter

President of Ohio Judo, Inc.


I am proud to be part of Ohio Judo, Inc.


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Last modified: 12/28/13