Our Mission

Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

This is the home of Judo in Ohio.  Whether you are new to Judo (welcome!), interested in competing, or interesting in studying Judo as a Martial Art - this is the place for you.

Webmaster - Jon Federico                                                                       Russ Scherer, President  

Website Additions, Corrections, etc. - Contact Russ Scherer at rschererjudo@gmail.com

      Click HERE to view current Highlighted Judoka, Club or Activity of the month

                                                                  Click HERE to view past Highlights                   Make this site useful to you!!!


OJI Workout #1 - 1-14-17 - Ronin T.C. Columbus, OH

OJI Monthly Workout #1 Photos - Great Turnout


Ronin Training Center

Columbus, OH

Click Here for Photos  

See you at the next Monthly Workout at Budokai Judo & JuJitsu in Hamilton, OH - 2/18/17

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