Ohio Judo
Executive Committee

Committee Chair:  Russ Scherer,  President

Jim Linnane, VP
Scott Littlefield, Secretary
Mike Mooney, Treasurer
Michael Mooney, Operations
Frank Herzog, Development
Russ Scherer, Standards/Certification
Tom Jones, Law/Legislation
Vacant, Athlete Rep
Vacant, Athlete Rep


Executive Committee.doc:

The Executive Committee is to serve its members



As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the President shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee.  The President shall be, ex officio, a non-voting member of all Committees and shall perform such duties as assigned by vote of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. 

Vice President

As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in case of the President's absence or inability to act.  The Vice-President shall discharge such other duties as may be assigned by the vote of the Board of Directors or of the Executive Committee.


As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Secretary of the Corporation shall also be the Secretary of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee.  The Secretary shall keep the seal and the records of the Corporation; supervise the taking, making and distribution of minutes; attend to the publication of official reports; attest documents; and perform such other functions as usually pertain to this office.  The Secretary shall discharge such other duties as may be assigned by vote of the Board of Directors or of the Executive Committee.  A copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee will be sent to each member of the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days following the conclusion of the meeting.


As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Treasurer shall have charge of the funds and books of account of the Corporation.  The Treasurer shall receive and deposit the funds of the Corporation in such bank or banks as shall be designated by or under authority of the Executive Committee.  The Treasurer shall disburse such funds in the manner designated by or under the authority of the Executive Committee.  The Treasurer shall render an annual financial report to the Board of Directors and to the Executive Committee and such special reports as may from time to time be called for by or under the authority of the Executive Committee.  The Treasurer shall discharge such other duties as may be assigned by vote of the Board of Directors or of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be bonded in such amounts as determined by the Executive Committee.

Director of Operations

As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Director of Operations shall act in case of the President's and Vice-President's absence or inability to act; be Executive Editor of all publications of the Corporation; coordinate the activities of the Committee; publish a yearly schedule of all tournaments; publish a monthly schedule of all activities sanctioned by the Corporation; develop procedures and forms for application and processing of membership; maintain a membership program and records of the Corporation; render a full annual report in connection with processing of membership and the maintenance of the membership program and records of the Corporation to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting each year; prepare and present at each Annual Meeting an annual budget for the coming year; and discharge such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee.

Director of Development

As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Director of Development shall advise and assist the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and all other components of the Corporation in all matters concerning the long-range development of Judo in the State of Ohio; coordinate the development activities of, maintain close liaison with, and work through the clubs; foster the long-range development of an adequate pool of national and world class athletes in Judo, from which may be selected competent representatives for the State of Ohio in national competition; foster the closest possible cooperation between all private and public organizations, such as academic institutions, nonacademic centers, and government agencies, which may contribute to the building and maintaining of improved physical facilities for training and competition and to the upgrading of coaching skills and similar matters; prepare and present to the Program Director of the Operations Committee a budget for each of the activities of the Development Committee; and promulgate rules of procedure in regard to the activities of the Development Committee.

Director of Standards & Certification

As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Director of Standards & Certification shall develop a program to improve the standards of coaching; supervise the training, examination and certification of referees, Kata judges, and other tournament officials; and suggest revisions to the national and international rules of competition and sporting code as determined by the appropriate subcommittee.

Director of Law & Legislation

As enumerated in the OJI Bylaws, the Director of Law & Legislation shall review all proposals for amendment of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Corporation and submit a written report thereon, with recommendations both as to substance and as to form, to the Executive Committee and to the Board of Directors; make recommendations for approval or rejection to the Board of Directors on applications for membership in the Corporation; advise and assist the President, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee 1) in regard to the determination of legal and legislative policy of the Corporation, 2) in the formulation of the Code of Operations, 3) in the formulation and determination of the Corporation's future rights and duties, and 4) in proposing amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Code of Operation, and any other documents and publications of the Corporation; in coordination with the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and other committees of the Corporation, and with other entities interested in the promotion of Judo, aid in the drafting of legal instruments and legislation; process all claims and other legal action filed against or by the Corporation; assist in the investigation of any matter of concern to the Corporation; and serve as Parliamentarian for the Corporation.

Athlete Representatives

The two Athlete Representatives will represent all athletes in the OJI at Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings.  They will bring to the meetings the concerns, questions and positions of the athletes and will disseminate to the athletes all actions, programs and information pertinent to the athletes.