Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

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to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.






  2000 Ohio Junior Olympic Results

    The 2000 OSJI Junior Olympics (Junior State Championships) were held in Cleveland Ohio, February 19, 2000.  The following are the results of that competition.  NOTE:  * = OSJI players placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd received points toward the travelling team.


Division   Place   Name                                       Club

MB1        1st      Bradley Thompson  *        Renshuden

MB2 Lt.   1st     Andre Perude   *                    Keno's

MB2 Hvy 1st    Steve Bonds                           Judan

MB3 Lt.    1st    Miles Chapman                   Bushido Kai America
                  2nd   Michael Gladney                Judan

MB3 M.    1st    Nick Sulzer                           MidEast Cudell
                  2nd   Robbie Howard *                  Shodokan

MB3 Hvy 1st    Beau Wenger  *                    Ohio Judan
                  2nd   Joey Jagan  *                        Renshuden

MI1 SLt.   1st    Kohei Nishimura *              Renshuden
                  2nd   Ken Yamashita *                  Renshuden
                  3rd    Zachary Duffy *                     Renshuden

MI1 Lt.     1st    Aaron Sulzer                            MidEast Cudell
                  2nd   Freddie Simmons *              Keno's
                  3rd   Cameron Cahill                      Judan

MI1 M.     1st    Jeremy Clause                     Judan
                  2nd   David Momic                          Chu to Bu
                  3rd    Sylvester Dashner               Judan

MI1 H      1st    Richard Cotton                      Epizoundes

MI1 H+    1st    William Bond                        Judan

MI2 Lt.     1st    Andrew Law *                        Judan
                  2nd   Keith Sulzer                           MidEast Cudell
                  3rd    Joel Birney                              Judan

MI2 M.     1st    Clay Chapman                       Bushido Kai America
                  2nd   Roger Minnick *                    Renshuden
                  3rd    Toshiya Nishimura *          Renshuden

MI2 H.      1st    Deon Belmon                         Judan
                  2nd   Aaron Kiousis                        MidEast Cudell

MI2 H+    1st   Jamie Lloyd *                        Renshuden

MJA Lt.    1st    Thomas Dashner                 Judan
                  2nd   Alvin Worells                         MidEast Cudell

MJA M.    1st   Tommy Lynn                         Judan
                  2nd   Michael Fletcher                 Judan

MJA H.     1st   Joshua Glashauckas        MidEast Cudell

MJA H+    1st   Brian Hayward                       Judan

MJB Lt.     1st   Jonathan Mooney *            Chu to Bu
                  2nd   Jonah Shaver *                     Renshuden

MJB M.     1st   Marcos Aranha *                   Renshuden

FB1            1st   Jene'a Perude *                    Keno's

FB3            1st   Angela Cahill                        Judan

FI1 Lt.       1st   Cassandra Bezoski *         Shodokan
                  2nd Onjela Simmons *                Keno's

FI1 M.       1st   Lauren Chapman                 Bushido Kai America
                  2nd   Kayla Yazell *                        Renshuden

FI1 H.        1st   Marleda Stacey                    Judan

FI2 Lt.       1st   Caitlin Deetz *                         Judan
                  2nd   Sonya Yamashita *            Renshuden

FI2 M.       1st   Brittany Bezoski *                Shodokan
                  2nd   Siarra Lacourse                    Judan
                  3rd    Tonya Watson                      Judan

FI2 H.        1st   Sarah Howard *                    Shodokan
                   2nd   Kiara Furr                              Judan

FJA Lt.       1st   Saisha Simmons                  Judan
                   2nd   Ashley Mooney *                  Chu to Bu

FJA M.       1st   Kelly Dashner                        Judan
                   2nd   Maiko Yamashita *             Renshuden

FJA H.       1st   Charlotte Stacey                  Judan

FJA H+      1st   Marylynn Reuter                 Judan
                   2nd   Dashella Lynch                     Bushido Kai America




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Last modified: 12/28/13