Ohio Judo, Inc. 
Our Mission -
Ohio Judo, Inc. supports Judo throughout Ohio and beyond. As a sport, as a Martial Art, and as a way of life.

Contact: President
Mark Hunter

Email Website Updates
to: Please include "Post on OhioJudo.org" in subject line.





March 3, 2013 Board Minutes

Ohio Judo President Mark Hunter called to order the meeting of the Ohio Judo Board at Black Swamp Judo in Perrysburg Ohio on March 3, 2013 at 1533 hrs.

Attendance: Julee Cope, Joe Cofrancesco, John Federico, Frances Glaze, Mark Hunter, Russ Scherer, Justin Hunter, John Shriver

Minutes of previous meeting approved.

Old Business - None


Law/Legal: Jon Federico brought information on how to reactivate the non-profit status for Ohio Judo.  We need to file two forms and each cost $25 to file.  Treasurer Mooney will be instructed to make checks payable to the Secretary of State for this purpose. 

For the 501c3 we need to get amendments and articles in order.  A suggestion was to use LegalZoom.com as it can be a turnkey process for us.

Budgets 2013:             Legal  -                        $200.00

                                    Development -            $    0.00

                                    Athletic -                     $    0.00

                                    Secretary -                   $  50.00

                                    Treasurer -                   $  50.00

                                    Operations -                $300.00


New Business:

Ohio Judo Club members can have website for no charge through Ohio Judo.

By Laws/Code of Operations - remove the judo rules as it has outdated info and really does not need to be in By Laws.

Remove term limits for Board Members so that when good members on board they do not have to leave (as the current By Laws state).  Frances Glaze made the motion to remove term limits and was 2nd by Joe Confrancesco and the motion passed unanimously.

A discussion about having Ohio Judo Board meetings in other fashion than face-to-face was held. The current By Laws require every meeting to be face-to-face.  A motion was presented by Frances Glaze and 2nd by Jon Federico to allow teleconference and other means for meeting. This motion passed unanimously.

Old Mats - Ohio Judo has two old mat areas to sell and a mat covers.  The mat covers was sold to John Shriver/Bernadette McFadden for $900.    We have the old foam that went under the mats to sell and will be selling for $10 ea or best offer.

Mat Rental Program - We have the new mat areas that belong to Ohio Judo and want to make them available as a package for rental.  Ohio Judo members can get a great deal on renting them.  The package would include the mats, the tape and perhaps the travel of getting mats to them.  There was discussion of the current trailer and whether to get another trailer and sell this one, get a box truck etc.  Julee will be getting pricing on wrestling tape and how to buy it and the cost for each rental/event so we can set proper pricing on rental program.  Suggestion is to have mat + tape for members at $100 and non members at $200.

Ohio Judo Open May 11th in Bowling Green -   We will use the current IJF rules with possible mat modifications due to the location of the tournament.  Current IJF Medical Rules will be used as well.  Fee's for the event will be $30 for pre-registration, $40 at the door and KATA will be $50 per pair and as many KATA as the pair wants to enter.  Ohio Judo Clubs can offer their members a $5 discount on registration.  Ohio Judo will have memberships at the event.

Rules meeting is being scheduled (TBA) by Russ Scherer.

Next Joint Workout in Findlay is April 13th, 2013.

Reminder to Board Members to send photos for website.

The meeting adjourned at 1640 hrs.


Submitted by

Julee Cope, Secretary



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Last modified: 12/28/13